08:00 o'clock

Welcome reception and check-in; Coffee & Tea

08:50 o'clock

Opening Speech by the Chairman

Prof. Joachim Taiber Prof. Joachim Taiber Chairman of the Conference
09:00 o'clock

KEYNOTE: The Development of a Global Regulatory Framework for Automated Driving Systems

Richard Damm Richard Damm President
Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (KBA)
09:30 o'clock

KEYNOTE: Practical Experiences in Type Approvals of Highly Automated Vehicles

Thomas Quernheim Thomas Quernheim Senior Executive Vice President Engineering & Homologation Automotive
TÜV Rheinland Group
10:00 o'clock

Networking Break

10:30 o'clock

E2E Automated Parking

Joachim Mathes Joachim Mathes CTO Valeo BrainDivision
11:00 o'clock

Statistical Safety – A new Perspective and Mind-set

Dr. Daniel Fulger Dr. Daniel Fulger Senior Manager Autonomous & Connected Mobility
Capgemini Engineering
11:30 o'clock

Ensuring Product Safety for Automated Vehicles through Digital and Physical Testing

Nils Katzorke Nils Katzorke Project Manager for Test Technology Development
Mercedes-Benz AG
12:00 o'clock

Lunch Break & Exhibition

13:00 o'clock

KEYNOTE: AI: A Game Changer for the Testing Organization of the Future?

Hartmut Abeln Hartmut Abeln CEO
TÜV NORD Mobilität GmbH
13:15 o'clock

PANEL DISCUSSION: How to find Convergence between Regulatory and Technological Readiness Considering AI Assurance

Dr. Stephane Dreher Dr. Stephane Dreher Head of CCAM
Dr. Benedikt Wolfers Dr. Benedikt Wolfers Rechtsanwalt & Partner
Prof. Robert Shorten Prof. Robert Shorten Professor of Cyberphysical Systems & Head of Dyson School of Design Engineering
Imperial College London
Uwe Burckhardt
13:45 o'clock

Digital Safety Certification – How to Manage Approval Complexity through Digitalization and AI-enabled Automation

Jan Reich Jan Reich Head of Safety Engineering Department
Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering (IESE)
14:15 o'clock


14:45 o'clock

Enhancing Digital Homologation with AI Assurance

Andreas Lauringer Andreas Lauringer CEO
Kontrol GmbH
Andreas Herzig Andreas Herzig Global Head of Automotive
15:15 o'clock

Ensuring Safety and Reliability: Validation and Assurance Strategies for ADAS and Automated Driving

Dr. Andrea Leitner Dr. Andrea Leitner Global Business Segment Manager for ADAS/AD tools and solutions
15:45 o'clock

Ensuring AI Assurance in Mobility: Lessons, Challenges, and Future Directions

Dr. Stephane Dreher Dr. Stephane Dreher Head of CCAM
16:15 o'clock

Evaluation of Level 4 Vehicles in Austria: Current Approaches and Future Perspectives

Michael Nikowitz Michael Nikowitz Coordinator Automated Driving
Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology
16:45 o'clock

What it needs to Reduce Congestion and Pollution through Autonomous Driving

Dr. Rolf Erfurt Dr. Rolf Erfurt Former Chief Operation Officer CCO
Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe BVG
17:15 o'clock

Wrap up by Chairman

Prof. Joachim Taiber Prof. Joachim Taiber Chairman of the Conference
17:30 o'clock