Nils Katzorke received the B.A. degree in Transportation and Logistics Management from the Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences, Braunschweig / Wolfenbuettel, Germany, in 2016, the Master of Business Engineering from the Steinbeis University Berlin, Berlin, BE, Germany, in 2018, and the Doctor of Business Administration from the Prague University of Economics and Business, Prague, PR, Czech Republic in 2023. From 2016 to 2018, he was Project Coordinator for the construction of Daimler AG’s proving ground in Immendingen, Germany. Since 2018 he works as Project Manager for further proving ground development and test technology development with Mercedes-Benz AG, Stuttgart, Germany. His recent journal publications are “Fields of Interest and Demands for a Digital Proving Ground Twin” (Elsevier, 2023) and “Agile Altering of Road Marking Patterns for Lane Detection Testing” (IEEE, 2022). His research interests include the development of test infrastructure, intelligent vehicles, digital development processes and transportation management. Nils. Katzorke was a recipient of the IEEE ITSC 2020 1st Best Presentation Award. He was a member of committees for international conferences from IEEE and SAE and contributes as a reviewer to IEEE conferences and journals